To prepare the students to manage the software components in a computer independently and to be a Programmer/Project Leader. To motivate the students to take up Academic Research in Computer Science and other streams.
Students from Palani, Udumalpet, Oddanchatram, Dharapuram, Kodaikanal can benefit.
Semester 1 | Semester 2 | Semester 3 | Semester 4 |
Lecture 1.1
Discrete Mathematical Structures
Lecture 1.1
Python Programming
Lecture 1.1
Advanced Database System
Lecture 1.1
Digital Image Processing
Lecture 1.1
Advanced JAVA Programming
Lecture 1.1
Compiler Design
Lecture 1.1
Soft Computing
Lecture 1.1
Advanced System Architecture
Lecture 1.1
Data Structures and Algorithms
Lecture 1.1
Operating System Design Principles
Lecture 1.1
1. Data Mining and Warehousing2. Cloud Computing 3. Internet of Things |
Lecture 1.1
1.Big Data Analytics 2.Network Security 3.Mobile Computing |
Lecture 1.1
Data Communication and Computer Networks
Lecture 1.1
1.Embedded Systems2.Advanced Software Engineering 3.Distributed Systems |
Lecture 1.1
Principles of Information Technology
Lecture 1.1
Project Work & Viva voce
Lecture 1.1
Advanced JAVA Programming Lab
Lecture 1.1
Python Programming Lab
Lecture 1.1
Soft Computing Lab
Lecture 1.1
Data Structures and Algorithms Lab
Lecture 1.1
Operating System Lab
Lecture 1.1
Advanced Database Lab
Each subject contains five units which are interrelated each other. Not only core subjects, but elective and non-major elective also contain the same.
Theory Subjects
Total Marks: 100 (Internal: 25 Marks, External: 75 Marks)
Practical Subjects
Total Marks: 100 (Internal: 40 marks, External: 60 Marks)
The candidates of previous syllabus scheme may be permitted to write exams in their own schemes up to the examinations of April 2020 as a transitory provision.
The combined project shall be undertaken by the students as a team of two. The project should be done in the college lab. The following list of parameters is taken into account for the evaluation of Project work and Viva-voce.
Total Marks: 100 (Internal: 25 marks, External: 75 Marks)
A candidate passes the M.SC CS by scoring a minimum of 40% (internal + external) in each paper of the course. No minimum marks for internal assessment. External minimum for external assessment is 35% i.e., 27 out of 75.
Candidates may apply for revaluation for the paper which was already evaluated, within 10 days from the date of publication of the result in the university website, through specified revaluation forms along with required fees.